Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I just want to wish everyone (as few of you as there are) a Merry Christmas. Thank you for reading my blog! I will be making a point of blogging more come 2009. Keep you're eyes open.

Also...I have begun writing my first novel. I've been kicking it around for a while and I finally just figured "Ah! What the heck?" I'll let you know how it's progressing. Remember to ask me if you see me.

Once again...Merry Christmas!!!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas is coming...the goose is getting fat

I'd just like to let everyone know that I can't believe Christmas is 11 days away already! I feel so old because time is FLYING by! Nonetheless...I am very excited for Imola to participate in Christmas festivities and actually enjoy them.

On another note...I have seriously decided to write a novel and it has become my 2009 resolution. REMIND ME and ask me how it's coming along so I feel pressure! If you do...I'll thank you in the ackowledgements.

Merry Christmas to all...don't eat too much!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I am remembering all the things I tried to forget and managed to for a while.
I am suddenly nostalgic about certain smells. I used to be all the time, but it feels like for a long time now, I don't have the time to allow that feeling to settle in and be recognized.
I am regretful for not taking the opportunity to tell my friends and family how much I love them.
I am overwhelmingly grateful for my friends' and family's ability to forgive.
I am content with most things I have...but eager to acheive more.

I hope that all who read this are in comfortable places within themselves.
Calm and comfortable in their own skin.
Able to recognize that things aren't so bad when they don't go a certain way.
Unjudgemental and able to admit a change in personal opinion when they realize that they were wrong.

This is what's going through my head today...you know...in case you were wondering.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Not that this is interesting or anything, but I am soooo tired of shady people. People who are looking to make a but at your expense...people who are inconsiderate of other people...and people who lie. Lately, I've been a little overwhelmed by these types of people in my everyday life...and it sucks!

Talk about a creativity killer...my life has been so crowded around the stress that these people cause that I can't think for a minute about what I want to do...much less reflct upon my own shortcomings and resolve to do better.

It's a neverending circle, don't you think?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Headaches, etc...

I'd just like to tell you about how bad migraines are. If you've never had one, you're very lucky. Yesterday I was making my breakfast when suddenly, my vision started to go patchy. For those of you that get migraines, that patchy vision, though not painful, is one of the scariest feelings ever because it is the precursor to the wretched pain that comes with a migraine. When that happens to your vision...you KNOW what is coming! As your vision comes back, the pain starts. It is relentless and there is no where to run or hide from it. Even migraine medicine fails at times. When you're coming down, you are exhausted and want to sleep. Sometimes...if you're really blessed...you'll wake up with a headache, too even after your migraine was dying down. I have had them for 2 days! Talk about Purgatory on earth!

So, yeah...yesterday sucked! I had a lot to do and was incapacitated with a stupid, freakin' migraine! Even though it let up after about 4 hours, I always feel foggy and stupid and off-balance after a migraine. It's like permanent brain damage or something. The horrible thing is that people who have never had a REAL migraine often don't cut you any slack when you have one (this is unfortunate, especially in a work environment.) I am useless as an employee, mother, cook, or even a couch-potato when I get one. I can't read, sleep, watch TV (or my daughter for that matter) walk, drive or do much of anything when I get migraines.

I just had to get that out. Ok...I'm done!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Holy Crap, I'm Skinnier!!!

Ok...Some of you might not care, but since I haven't lost any weight, I decided not to get my hopes up about losing inches. I've begun measuring myself every 30 days and I have lost 1 1/2 inches from my chest, 1 1/2 inches from my waist, and 1 inch from my hips! YAY!!!! The pain is paying off! I've also increased the size of my biceps a little...GRRRR...muscles...

So, that's it...more evidence of success with perserverence. Who's with me?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Losing My Ass

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Monday, September 8, 2008

Reestablishing My Creativity

For those of you that know me...I used to be a creative musician.
I feel that I used to be fun to hang out with, exciting and funny...and a little..."off."
Now, since I've been a mother for 1 1/2 years, I've changed.
I don't write or perform my music. And I definitely rarely go "out."
I am happy...but thirsting for my sense of self.
I have lost a piece of who I am as a person. As my person and not "mother, wife, chef, cleaning lady, daughter, teacher, sister, secretary, accountant" and the many other hats that I wear.
I have forgotton who I am as a "friend and artist."

I am resurrecting "Hethur." The one we all used to know that is still there under that tired skin. A little more mild-mannered, I'm sure...maybe a little more quiet and conservative... but certainly not any less hard-headed, hot-tempered or mischevous.

Trust me...you'll see...